Emma Biggs (centre) presents the cheque to Susan Watson and Dr Anthony Walters, co-chairs of the Friends of the Friarage <i>(Image: DAVID LOCK)</i>At a highly informative launch evening for a funding appeal to create new eye surgery provision at the Friarage Hospital, reported in last Friday’s Darlington & Stockton Times, President Emma Biggs of the Rotary Club of Northallerton presented a cheque for £1,100 to the Friends of the Friarage. The Rotary Club has for many years supported the Friends, and Friends trustee Lyn Proud is also a member of the Rotary Club.
The money donated was raised from the Rotary Club’s Charter Night black tie dinner and a Christmas Extravaganza evening in the Golden Lion Hotel in Northallerton.
At the launch evening, consultants and doctors described the great benefits of offering the latest eye surgery techniques at the Friarage Hospital. For people often travelling from the western end of the Yorkshire Dales, the convenience of being treated at the Friarage rather than the additional journey to James Cook University Hospital near Middlesbrough cannot be overstated. The Friends of the Friarage aim to provide state-of-the art surgical equipment in time for the opening of the new surgical hub in April 2025.
President Emma said “I am so proud that our Rotary Club of Northallerton has once again given significant funding support to the Friends of the Friarage. The Friends have raised amazing amounts of money over the years and have helped provide equipment and facilities for this vital and much-loved hospital. The Friarage Hospital is the core of local healthcare, and means so much to us all. As our Rotary International organisation celebrated its 119th birthday on 23 February, it is good to know that locally we can contribute positively to the community in this way.”
Photo: Emma Biggs (centre) presents the cheque to Susan Watson and Dr Anthony Walters, co-chairs of the Friends of the Friarage.