The Guides and Brownies of the Northallerton and Wensleydale Guide Association are excited at the prospect of attending a weekend of adventure at the outdoor pursuits centre at Newby Wiske. At a meeting at Brompton School, Hannah Sawyer, the Commissioner of Northallerton and Wensleydale Division and leader of the Brompton Brownies and Rainbows, explained what is in store for them during the weekend of activities.
The outing has been made more affordable by a donation of £600 from the Rotary Club of Northallerton. This was the money raised by a recent International Women’s Day charity event organised by Emma Biggs, President Elect of the Rotary Club of Northallerton, with support from Anne Ash of the Northallerton Mowbray Rotary Club.
Emma said, “It was an honour to meet the girls tonight. Being able to help young ladies of all ages in our area to experience an adventure weekend is truly special. The girls will gain confidence, learn new skills and strengthen friendships. I would like to say a big thank you to all those who attended our afternoon tea on International Women’s Day, the proceeds of which enabled us to make this donation to the girls.”
Photo: Emma Biggs (right of centre with yellow President Elect ribbon) and Anne Ash (to the left with a similar ribbon) with Hannah Sawyer to the right of Anne, and leaders and girls of the Northallerton and Wensleydale Guides and Brownies.