International Women’s Day on 8 March was celebrated in style at the Allerton Court Hotel in Northallerton. 80 ladies gathered for afternoon tea, hosted and organised by Emma Biggs, President Elect of the Rotary Club of Northallerton, and supported by Anne Ash from the Rotary Club of Northallerton Mowbray. The room was decorated with pink and purple table runners and balloons, the colours for International Women’s Day.
Ten local business women provided stalls to promote their products for sale to the guests. Kay Pickering and her team from Barkers department store brought a selection of cosmetics to tempt the guests, and invited from Ireland an international Estee Lauder specialist, Elaine Wright. The highlight of the afternoon was Elaine’s demonstration of facial make-up, with Rotarian Jan Davison as her model.
Organiser Emma Biggs said, “I was thrilled to see so many ladies in the room, with brisk business on the stalls and the wonderful demonstration by such an expert as Elaine Wright. We all picked up some valuable tips from Elaine’s skilful presentation. The proceeds from the raffle will go to Northallerton Girl Guides to help financially-challenged girls attend an adventure weekend at Newby Wiske. These adventure weekends give the girls confidence and the opportunity to learn new skills and make friends. Having an opportunity like this can change the outlook for young ladies and be the catalyst for life-long success.”
Photo: Stalls and guests in the busy function room.