President Emma Biggs recently presented a £1,000 cheque to Hambleton Foodshare on behalf of the Rotary Club of Northallerton. The Rotary Club has supported Foodshare for many years, through monthly personal donations of money and food by members of the Club, and financial support from the Club as a whole.
Hambleton Foodshare Coordinator Alison Grainger told Emma “We are experiencing a very high demand at the moment. Food is going off the shelves as soon as it comes into the store. Despite generous donations from people like yourselves, we still have to spend around £2,500 weekly buying food from supermarkets. The supermarkets also donate unused food to us each week.”
Emma presented the cheque at the premises of Foodshare in the former Registrar’s Office on Racecourse Lane, Northallerton. She commented: “With the cost of food continually rising at the moment, we want to do all we can to help Hambleton Foodshare ease the financial burden on families. We value our partnership with this charity, and hope that we can help them to support the increasing number of local people in need.”
From recent fundraising, the Rotary Club of Northallerton has also donated £1,000 each to Parkinson’s UK and Rotary’s own international charity, The Rotary Foundation.
Photo: Northallerton Rotary Club President Emma Biggs (left) presents the cheque to Alison Grainger, Hambleton Foodshare Coordinator.