The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) at Catterick Garrison have recently received an award for hosting an annual technology competition for local schools.  For the last 7 years, 1 Close Support Battalion REME have provided a hangar in their barracks for the annual Technology Tournament run for many years by the Rotary Clubs of Thirsk, Northallerton, Northallerton Mowbray, Richmond, and Wensleydale.

Teams of four pupils from local secondary schools are tasked to design, construct and test a solution to an engineering challenge given on the day of the Tournament.  A project plan recording all activities and reasons for decisions must be presented to judges before testing is allowed to proceed. Over 140 students across key stages 3, 4 and 5 take part, as part of their STEM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).  The task also gives them experience in working as a team.

In recognition of the exemplary support given by the Garrison, Past President Geoff Colls of Thirsk Rotary Club, on behalf of the 5 Rotary clubs, presented a Rotary Certificate of Appreciation (Rotary International’s highest award to an organisation) to Commanding Officer Marcus Massey.  All of the Clubs were represented at the occasion.  Colonel Massey said “I am proud to receive this Rotary honour on behalf of REME.  It is a pleasure for us to host this worthy competition which is so valuable to the learning programme for local schools, and we intend to continue our support in future”.

Photo:  Geoff Colls (right) presents the certificate to Colonel Massey.